Sunday, December 16, 2012

Merry Christmas

O Come, Emanuel

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Johan August Persson

Johan August Persson
(Alexander’s Maternal Grandfather)

 Johan August Persson (14 Jan 1833-30 Dec 1902)

            Johan was born in Södra Lundby, Sweden on the family farm, Matsagården to Per Andersson and Magdelena Månsdotter. He was the oldest child of ten. 

  Church in Södra Lundby where Johan and his children would attend

Johan married Maja Kasja Andreasdotter when he was 21 years old and she was 19 years old, in 1854.  They had thirteen children together, 12 of which reached adult hood.  Johan’s brother, Johannes married Maja’s younger sister, Johanna.  Johannes and Johanna owned the adjoining farm called Nygården.  Another of Johan’s brother Sven also farmed at Matsagården.  They were a close knit family.

Maja Kasja Andreasdotter

Johannes Perrson and Johanna Andreasdotter
Johan was a successful and passionate farmer.  He farmed three separate farms, Matsagården, Slöngo and Gantågården. He raised oats, rye, turnips, clover and potatoes.  Even on his deathbed, he was concerned with his unthreshed oats.
Johan died on 30 Dec 1902, the day of his daughter Elizabeth’s wedding from heart disease.  Below is his farewell letter to his emigrant sons, Johan, Gustaf and Anton.  Emma, Alexander’s mother, had passed away six months before the letter was written.

Slongö, December 26, 1902

Dearly beloved sons, daughters-in-law and children!

I would like to write a few lines to you and thank you for all your
kindness and you, Johan, for the beautiful pictures. We look so youthful
that it is an ornament for us and for you who honored us with this fine

I want to tell you that Lisen´s (Elisabeth) wedding will take place on
Tuesday Dec. 29. Her husband to be is the freeholder Fredrik Johansson,
Frälsegården, Malmered, a tall,nice and skilful carpenter. He has bought
the farm with all the movables as well as two young first class mares
together with other cattle and a carriage the he himself has made. He is
the cousin of Erland from Harskog and his father was the brother of Sven
from Harskog. To the wedding we have only invited our children Petter,
Karl, Tilda and Mina - but Mina has a small child so she will not come
- and Sven from Tåstorp, Johan from Nygården and Joh. Jonsson from
Matsagården as host.

I also would like to mention that we had a good harvest this year with the
rye and the oats well harvested and the clover at Slongö not so well. Nice
rye and oats and a lot of potatoes and 100 barrels of turnips. At
Gantagården we got 70 piles of rye and 140 stacks of oats. We have
threshed the rye and we got 20 barrels, the oats remains mostly
unthreshed and we had more than 100 barrels of potatoes. Since spring, I
have spent most of my time almost alone at Gantagården and looked after
the cattle: one horse, three cows and 12 pigs. But now, one or two weeks
ago I came to Slongö because I am so weak. There is nothing I can do,
most of the time I am lying in bed. My heart problems increase, I feel
tired and dizzy so it is difficult for me to walk. My only care should now
be to come to a better home and to get my sins purged in the blood of
Jesus by grace and mercy only. Oh my dear children if you knew how
bad it is to postpone repentance until you have become old. Do not fail to
do the only thing that is necessary while there is yet time because we are
not promised a morrow (---). One after the other passes away without a
preceding illness. Among our relatives Johanna and Kajsa in Hälltorp,
Elin Johanna and her brother Anders Larsson on Backen and his wife
Lena Maja, Jonsson´s wife Johanna at Boestorp, Eriksson´s Greta at
Matsagården and many more. It is grave how suddenly many of us are
called unto Himself. Emma has now passed away, so John be so kind and
take care of the upbringing of the children as a guardian.  When funds are disbursed you have to withdraw them and keep them until the children themselves can take over them, if there is poor relief that can finance their upbringing. Emma had received 250 crowns and for the journey 250 crowns, together 500 crowns. I cannot say what you will get but I think it will be a bit over 2,000 crowns. I would like to take care of my house while I am alive, but
that too might be neglected.

I have learnt that the times are getting worse from what Friberg´s son has
written. He was here and visited his old home this summer and now he
regrets that he went back. He spent 3,000 crowns during the short period
he was here so now he cannot come home so soon. I want to ask you how
you are doing in Brooklyn (the above-mentioned was in Boston), what
income you have, where Gustaf and Anton are working and whether you,
Johan, have plenty of work as before. Here it is difficult to find workers
in summertime.

I now have to finish my letter with the wish that these lines will reach
you when you are healthy and well. Send my greetings to Dahlgren! We
got a letter from him about Emma´s death. Do not mention to him what
I have written about the funds that will accrue to the children until it is

At home we are preparing for Lisen´s wedding but I cannot expect any
joy because I am so weak. If one of you had come home that would have
created joy to the full,

Signs your old father

Johan August Pehrsson

Of identical wording as the original certify
Södra Lundby Jan 18, 1903
Gabriel Thedéen
Viking Thedéen