Sunday, February 24, 2013

Grandma's Feather Bed

Feather Bed Fun at Grandma's House
From Pam Hoover:
I have memories of the blue room, the one with the feather bed.  I remember the very soft bed we ended in the middle only.  Also, the pass through from the bathroom to the other bedroom, what fun!  But, as for grandma, I remember the African violets she grew so beautifully.  In fact, I loved hers so, that I grew them up until recently.  When we decide to stop traveling I  will do them again.  Grandma gave me two pieces of advise that I remember well:
1. "Never have an odd number of children as one will always be left out."
2. "And, save every penny you can as that war in Vietnam might get bad enough that they will come in handy."

From Lisa Dahlgren:
I remember Grandma's feather bed and begging to sleep in it.  You would roll up in a cloud of feathers at night and wake to the beat of the rigs pumping oil out of the heart of the hills in the morning.  One morning, when I was older, I wondered at the silence when the sun came through the mountains.  I ran downstairs to ask grandma why the oil rigs weren't making any sound and she said the companies were all closed.  I missed it.
I recall grandma's bathroom and a claw foot tub the size of a swimming pool.  There was great fear and trepidation whenever taking a bath if you were under 2-3 feet on earth could you get out?  There was an added feature to her bathroom never seen in any house.  The bathroom closet had a secret passage that led to another bedroom.  All you needed to do was push the towels out of the way and grab a flashlight.  Once the way was clear,  you could hoist each other up and crawl through to the next room!  We had so much fun plotting how we were going to take advantage of our discovery.

Whenever I was around her I felt grandma's love for the Lord and sensed she had a special relationship with God.  I also saw her love for  her children and her family.  Once when I was little, Grandma went on a small day trip with my dad and I to show us the places from her youth. I saw her home, parents, brothers and sisters through her eyes as she spoke.  I clearly remember stopping by a hill, where she pointed to an area of trees and an old shack saying that it was the place of her parent's home.

I loved grandma Dahlgren.

From Phil Dahlgren:
Mom Dahlgren often said, "I have only one accomplishment in life - raising ten kids and keeping them all out of jail."

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